Netzob User Guide

Netzob is composed of different modules. This user guide will present you how to use each of these modules.

Importing data
Data import is available in two ways: either by leveraging the channel-specific captors (currently network and IPC – Inter-Process Communication), or by using specific importers (such as PCAP files, structured files and OSpy files).
Reversing a protocol
The vocabulary and grammar inference methods constitute the core of Netzob. It allows both passive and active reverse engineering of communication flows through automated and manuals mechanisms.
Generating traffic and simulting actors
Given vocabulary and grammar models previously inferred, Netzob can understand and generate communication traffic between multiple actors. It can act as either a client, a server or both.
Exporting protocol model
This module permits to export an inferred model of a protocol in formats that are understandable by third party software or by a human. Current work focuses on export format compatible with main traffic dissectors (Wireshark and Scapy) and fuzzers (Peach and Sulley).

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