Source code for netzob.Common.Project

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#|          01001110 01100101 01110100 01111010 01101111 01100010            |
#|                                                                           |
#|               Netzob : Inferring communication protocols                  |
#| Copyright (C) 2011 Georges Bossert and Frédéric Guihéry                   |
#| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify      |
#| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      |
#| the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         |
#| (at your option) any later version.                                       |
#|                                                                           |
#| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           |
#| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
#| GNU General Public License for more details.                              |
#|                                                                           |
#| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         |
#| along with this program. If not, see <>.      |
#| @url      :                                         |
#| @contact  :                                            |
#| @sponsors : Amossys,                                |
#|             Supélec,           |

#| Standard library imports
from gettext import gettext as _
import logging
import os
import datetime
import re
import uuid
from lxml.etree import ElementTree, DocumentInvalid
from lxml import etree
import types
import shutil

#| Local Imports
from netzob.Common.ResourcesConfiguration import ResourcesConfiguration
from netzob.Common.ProjectConfiguration import ProjectConfiguration
from netzob.Common.Vocabulary import Vocabulary
from netzob.Common.Grammar import Grammar
from netzob.Common.Type.TypeConvertor import TypeConvertor
from netzob.Common.Type.Format import Format
from netzob.Common.Type.UnitSize import UnitSize
from netzob.Common.Type.Sign import Sign
from netzob.Common.Type.Endianess import Endianess
from netzob.Common.XSDResolver import XSDResolver
from netzob.Common.Property import Property
from netzob.Common.PropertyList import PropertyList
from netzob.Common.Simulator import Simulator


def loadProject_0_1(projectFile):
    # Parse the XML Document as 0.1 version
    tree = ElementTree()


    xmlProject = tree.getroot()

    # Register the namespace
    etree.register_namespace('netzob', PROJECT_NAMESPACE)
    etree.register_namespace('netzob-common', COMMON_NAMESPACE)

    projectID = str(xmlProject.get('id'))
    projectName = xmlProject.get('name', 'none')
    projectCreationDate = TypeConvertor.xsdDatetime2PythonDatetime(xmlProject.get('creation_date'))
    projectPath = xmlProject.get('path')
    project = Project(projectID, projectName, projectCreationDate, projectPath)

    description = xmlProject.get('description')

    # Parse the configuration
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration") is not None:
        projectConfiguration = ProjectConfiguration.loadProjectConfiguration(xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration"), PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1")

    # Parse the vocabulary
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary") is not None:
        projectVocabulary = Vocabulary.loadVocabulary(xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary"), PROJECT_NAMESPACE, COMMON_NAMESPACE, "0.1", project)

    # Parse the grammar
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar") is not None:
        projectGrammar = Grammar.loadGrammar(xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar"), projectVocabulary, PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1")
        if projectGrammar is not None:

    # Parse the simulator
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}simulator") is not None:
        projectSimulator = Simulator.loadSimulator(xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}simulator"), PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1", project.getGrammar().getAutomata(), project.getVocabulary())
        if projectSimulator is not None:

    return project

class ProjectException(Exception):

[docs]class Project(object): """Class definition of a Project""" # The name of the configuration file CONFIGURATION_FILENAME = "config.xml" # /!\ WARNING: # The dict{} which defines the parsing function associated with each schema # is added to the end of the document #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #| Constructor #| @param name : name of the project #| @param creationDate : date of creation #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ def __init__(self, id, name, creationDate, path): = id = name self.creationDate = creationDate self.path = path self.vocabulary = Vocabulary() self.grammar = Grammar() self.simulator = Simulator() self.configuration = ProjectConfiguration.loadDefaultProjectConfiguration() self.description = None def generateXMLConfigFile(self): # Register the namespace etree.register_namespace('netzob', PROJECT_NAMESPACE) etree.register_namespace('netzob-common', COMMON_NAMESPACE) # Dump the file root = etree.Element("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}project") root.set("id", str(self.getID())) root.set("path", str(self.getPath())) # Warning, changed because of project = Project.createProject(self.netzob.getCurrentWorkspace(), projectName) if isinstance(self.getCreationDate(), types.TupleType): root.set("creation_date", TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(self.getCreationDate()[0])) else: root.set("creation_date", TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(self.getCreationDate())) root.set("name", str(self.getName())) if self.description: root.set("description", str(self.description)) # Save the configuration in it self.getConfiguration().save(root, PROJECT_NAMESPACE) # Save the vocabulary in it self.getVocabulary().save(root, PROJECT_NAMESPACE, COMMON_NAMESPACE) # Save the grammar in it if self.getGrammar() is not None: self.getGrammar().save(root, PROJECT_NAMESPACE) # Save the simulator in it self.getSimulator().save(root, PROJECT_NAMESPACE) return root def saveConfigFile(self, workspace): projectPath = os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), self.getPath()) projectFile = os.path.join(projectPath, Project.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME)"Save the config file of project {0} in {1}".format(self.getName(), projectFile)) # First we verify and create if necessary the directory of the project if not os.path.exists(projectPath):"Creation of the directory: {0}".format(projectPath)) os.mkdir(projectPath) # We generate the XML Config file root = self.generateXMLConfigFile() tree = ElementTree(root) tree.write(projectFile, pretty_print=True) def cloneProjectTo(self, workspace, cloneName): try: # Original project files origProjectPath = os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), self.path) # Clone project idProject = str(uuid.uuid4()) clonePath = os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), "projects", idProject) cloneFile = os.path.join(clonePath, Project.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME)"Clone project from '{0}' to '{0}'".format(origProjectPath, clonePath)) # Clone project files shutil.copytree(origProjectPath, clonePath) # Create the new project project = Project.loadProject(workspace, clonePath) project.setID(idProject) project.setName(cloneName) project.setPath(clonePath) project.saveConfigFile(workspace) # Update workspace workspace.referenceProject(project.getPath()) workspace.saveConfigFile() except IOError, e: raise ProjectException(str(e)) def hasPendingModifications(self, workspace): result = True # TODO : Some errors may occur here... try: tree = ElementTree(self.generateXMLConfigFile()) currentXml = etree.tostring(tree) tree.parse(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), "projects"), self.getPath()), Project.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME)) xmlProject = tree.getroot() oldXml = etree.tostring(xmlProject) if currentXml == oldXml: result = False except: pass return result def getEnvironmentDependencies(self): """Computes and returns the list of environment dependencies and associates. @return: a list of Properties""" envDeps = [] excludedProperties = ["Data", "ID"] symbols = [] if self.getVocabulary() is not None: symbols.extend(self.getVocabulary().getSymbols()) # Retrieve the list of properties for each Symbol for symbol in symbols: for message in symbol.getMessages(): properties = message.getProperties() for property in properties: if not property.getName() in excludedProperties: found = False for prop in envDeps: if prop.getCurrentValue() == property.getCurrentValue(): found = True break if not found: envDeps.append(property) # Retrieve the list of properties for the project propertiesProject = self.getProperties() for prop in propertiesProject: found = False for property in envDeps: if prop.getCurrentValue() == property.getCurrentValue(): found = True break if not found: envDeps.append(prop) return envDeps def deleteProject(self, workspace): try: # Delete project files projectFullPath = os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), self.path) logging.debug("Deleting project files: {0}".format(projectFullPath)) shutil.rmtree(projectFullPath) # Dereference project from Workspace workspace.dereferenceProject(self.path) except IOError, e: raise ProjectException(_("Unable to delete project: {0}").format(e)) @staticmethod def createProject(workspace, name): idProject = str(uuid.uuid4()) path = os.path.join("projects", idProject) creationDate = project = Project(idProject, name, creationDate, path) # Creation of the config file project.saveConfigFile(workspace) # Register the project in the workspace workspace.referenceProject(project.getPath()) workspace.saveConfigFile() return project @staticmethod def getNameOfProject(workspace, projectDirectory): projectFile = os.path.join(os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), projectDirectory), Project.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME) # verify we can open and read the file if projectFile is None: return None # is the projectFile is a file if not os.path.isfile(projectFile): logging.warn("The specified project's configuration file ({0} is not valid: its not a file.".format(str(projectFile))) return None # is it readable if not os.access(projectFile, os.R_OK): logging.warn("The specified project's configuration file ({0}) is not readable.".format(str(projectFile))) return None # We validate the file given the schemas for xmlSchemaFile in Project.PROJECT_SCHEMAS.keys(): xmlSchemaPath = os.path.join(ResourcesConfiguration.getStaticResources(), xmlSchemaFile) # If we find a version which validates the XML, we parse with the associated function if Project.isSchemaValidateXML(xmlSchemaPath, projectFile): tree = ElementTree() tree.parse(projectFile) xmlProject = tree.getroot() # Register the namespace etree.register_namespace('netzob', PROJECT_NAMESPACE) etree.register_namespace('netzob-common', COMMON_NAMESPACE) projectName = xmlProject.get('name', 'none') if projectName is not None and projectName != 'none': return projectName else: logging.warn("The project declared in file ({0}) is not valid".format(projectFile)) return None @staticmethod def loadProjectFromFile(projectFile): # verify we can open and read the file if projectFile is None: return None # is the projectFile is a file if not os.path.isfile(projectFile): logging.warn("The specified project's configuration file ({0}) is not valid: its not a file.".format(projectFile)) return None # is it readable if not os.access(projectFile, os.R_OK): logging.warn("The specified project's configuration file ({0}) is not readable.".format(projectFile)) return None # We validate the file given the schemas for xmlSchemaFile in Project.PROJECT_SCHEMAS.keys(): xmlSchemaPath = os.path.join(ResourcesConfiguration.getStaticResources(), xmlSchemaFile) # If we find a version which validates the XML, we parse with the associated function if Project.isSchemaValidateXML(xmlSchemaPath, projectFile): parsingFunc = Project.PROJECT_SCHEMAS[xmlSchemaFile] project = parsingFunc(projectFile) if project is not None:"Loading project '{0}' from workspace.".format(project.getName())) return project else: logging.warn("The project declared in file ({0}) is not valid".format(projectFile)) return None @staticmethod def importNewXMLProject(workspace, xmlProjectFile): # Generate the Unique ID of the imported project idProject = str(uuid.uuid4()) # First we verify and create if necessary the directory of the project projectPath = "projects/{0}/".format(idProject) destPath = os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), projectPath) try: if not os.path.exists(destPath):"Creation of the directory {0}".format(destPath)) os.mkdir(destPath) # Retrieving and storing of the config file destFile = os.path.join(destPath, Project.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME) shutil.copy(xmlProjectFile, destFile) project = Project.loadProject(workspace, destPath) project.setID(idProject) project.setName(_("Copy of {0}").format(project.getName())) project.setPath(projectPath) project.saveConfigFile(workspace) workspace.referenceProject(project.getPath()) workspace.saveConfigFile() return project except IOError, e: logging.warn("Error when importing project: {0}".format(e)) raise ProjectException(_("Unable to import the project: {0}.").format(e)) @staticmethod def loadProject(workspace, projectDirectory): projectFile = os.path.join(os.path.join(workspace.getPath(), projectDirectory), Project.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME) return Project.loadProjectFromFile(projectFile) @staticmethod def isSchemaValidateXML(schemaFile, xmlFile): # is the schema is a file if not os.path.isfile(schemaFile): logging.warn("The specified schema file ({0}) is not valid: its not a file.".format(str(schemaFile))) return False # is it readable if not os.access(schemaFile, os.R_OK): logging.warn("The specified schema file ({0}) is not readable.".format(str(schemaFile))) return False schemaF = open(schemaFile, "r") schemaContent = schemaF.close() if schemaContent is None or len(schemaContent) == 0: logging.warn("Impossible to read the schema file (no content found in it)") return False # Extended version of an XSD validator # Create an xmlParser for the schema schemaParser = etree.XMLParser() # Register a resolver (to locate the other XSDs according to the path of static resources) xsdResolver = XSDResolver() xsdResolver.addMapping("common.xsd", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(schemaFile), "common.xsd")) schemaParser.resolvers.add(xsdResolver) schemaParsed = etree.parse(schemaContent, parser=schemaParser) schema = etree.XMLSchema(schemaParsed) # We parse the given XML file try: xmlRoot = etree.parse(xmlFile) try: schema.assertValid(xmlRoot) return True except DocumentInvalid, err: log = schema.error_log error = log.last_error logging.error(error) logging.error("XML Document in invalid: {0}".format(err)) return False except etree.XMLSyntaxError, e: log = e.error_log.filter_from_level(etree.ErrorLevels.FATAL) logging.error(log) return False # Dictionary of projects versions, must be sorted by version DESC PROJECT_SCHEMAS = {"xsds/0.1/Project.xsd": loadProject_0_1} def getProperties(self): properties = PropertyList() configuration = self.getConfiguration() properties.append(Property('workspace', Format.STRING, self.getPath())) prop = Property('name', Format.STRING, self.getName()) prop.setIsEditable(True) properties.append(prop) prop = Property('description', Format.STRING, self.getDescription()) prop.setIsEditable(True) properties.append(prop) properties.append(Property('date', Format.STRING, self.getCreationDate())) properties.append(Property('symbols', Format.DECIMAL, len(self.getVocabulary().getSymbols()))) properties.append(Property('messages', Format.DECIMAL, len(self.getVocabulary().getMessages()))) fields = 0 for sym in self.getVocabulary().getSymbols(): fields = fields + len(sym.getField().getExtendedFields()) properties.append(Property('fields', Format.DECIMAL, fields)) prop = Property(configuration.VOCABULARY_GLOBAL_FORMAT, Format.STRING, configuration.getVocabularyInferenceParameter(configuration.VOCABULARY_GLOBAL_FORMAT)) prop.setIsEditable(True) prop.setPossibleValues(Format.getSupportedFormats()) properties.append(prop) prop = Property(configuration.VOCABULARY_GLOBAL_UNITSIZE, Format.STRING, configuration.getVocabularyInferenceParameter(configuration.VOCABULARY_GLOBAL_UNITSIZE)) prop.setIsEditable(True) prop.setPossibleValues([UnitSize.NONE, UnitSize.BITS4, UnitSize.BITS8, UnitSize.BITS16, UnitSize.BITS32, UnitSize.BITS64]) properties.append(prop) prop = Property(configuration.VOCABULARY_GLOBAL_SIGN, Format.STRING, configuration.getVocabularyInferenceParameter(configuration.VOCABULARY_GLOBAL_SIGN)) prop.setIsEditable(True) prop.setPossibleValues([Sign.SIGNED, Sign.UNSIGNED]) properties.append(prop) prop = Property(configuration.VOCABULARY_GLOBAL_ENDIANESS, Format.STRING, configuration.getVocabularyInferenceParameter(configuration.VOCABULARY_GLOBAL_ENDIANESS)) prop.setIsEditable(True) prop.setPossibleValues([Endianess.BIG, Endianess.LITTLE]) properties.append(prop) return properties def getID(self): return def getName(self): return def getDescription(self): return self.description def getCreationDate(self): return self.creationDate def getPath(self): return self.path def getVocabulary(self): return self.vocabulary def getGrammar(self): return self.grammar def getConfiguration(self): return self.configuration def getSimulator(self): return self.simulator def setID(self, idproject): = idproject def setName(self, name): = name def setDescription(self, description): self.description = description def setPath(self, path): self.path = path def setCreationDate(self, creationDate): self.creationDate = creationDate def setConfiguration(self, conf): self.configuration = conf def setVocabulary(self, voc): self.vocabulary = voc def setGrammar(self, grammar): self.grammar = grammar def setSimulator(self, simulator): self.simulator = simulator