Source code for netzob.Inference.Grammar.Queries.MembershipQuery

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#|          01001110 01100101 01110100 01111010 01101111 01100010            |
#|                                                                           |
#|               Netzob : Inferring communication protocols                  |
#| Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Georges Bossert and Frédéric Guihéry              |
#| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify      |
#| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      |
#| the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         |
#| (at your option) any later version.                                       |
#|                                                                           |
#| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           |
#| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
#| GNU General Public License for more details.                              |
#|                                                                           |
#| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         |
#| along with this program. If not, see <>.      |
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#| @sponsors : Amossys,                                |
#|             Supélec,           |

#| Standard library imports

#| Related third party imports

#| Local application imports
from netzob.Common.Utils.Decorators import NetzobLogger
from netzob.Common.Utils.Decorators import typeCheck

[docs]class MembershipQuery(object): """Represents a membership queryset of query which will be submited to an oracle""" def __init__(self, symbols): self.symbols = symbols
[docs] def addSymbol(self, symbol): self.symbols.append(symbol)
[docs] def getSymbols(self): if len(self.symbols) <= 1: return self.symbols else: return self.getSymbolsWhichAreNotEmpty()
[docs] def getSymbolsWhichAreNotEmpty(self): result = [] for s in self.symbols: if s.getType() != "EmptySymbol": result.append(s) return result
[docs] def toMMSTD(self, dictionary, isMaster): # We create an MMSTD which will submit the following symbols generatedStates = [] # Create the transition which opens the connection rootState = NormalState(0, "State 0") generatedStates.append(rootState) initialState = NormalState(1, "State 1") generatedStates.append(initialState) openingTransition = OpenChannelTransition(0, "Connection", rootState, initialState, 15000, 3) rootState.registerTransition(openingTransition) previousState = initialState idState = 2 for symbol in self.symbols: # we create the current state currentState = NormalState(idState, "State " + str(idState)) generatedStates.append(currentState) # we create a normal transition between it and the previous state idTransition = idState - 1 transition = SimpleTransition( idTransition, "Transition " + str(idTransition), previousState, currentState, 1000, symbol) previousState.registerTransition(transition) idState = idState + 1 previousState = currentState if not isMaster: # We create the opening transition to listen for the first entry currentState = NormalState(idState, "State " + str(idState)) generatedStates.append(currentState) transition = SimpleTransition( idState - 1, "Transition " + str(idState - 1), previousState, currentState, 1000, EmptySymbol()) previousState.registerTransition(transition) previousState = currentState idState += 1 # Create the transition which close the connection endState = NormalState(idState, "State " + str(idState)) generatedStates.append(endState) closingTransition = CloseChannelTransition( idState - 1, "Disconnection", currentState, endState, 1000) currentState.registerTransition(closingTransition) mmstd = MMSTD(rootState, dictionary) for state in generatedStates: mmstd.addState(state) return mmstd
[docs] def multiply(self, mqs): result = [] for mq in mqs: result.append(self.getMQSuffixedWithMQ(mq)) return result
[docs] def getNotEmptyPrefixes(self): result = [] for i in range(0, len(self.getSymbolsWhichAreNotEmpty())): result.append( MembershipQuery(self.getSymbolsWhichAreNotEmpty()[:i + 1])) return result
[docs] def getMQSuffixedWithMQ(self, mq): result = MembershipQuery([]) for s in self.getSymbols(): result.addSymbol(s) for symbol in mq.getSymbols(): result.addSymbol(symbol) return result
[docs] def isStrictlyEqual(self, other): symbols = self.getSymbolsWhichAreNotEmpty() symbols2 = other.getSymbolsWhichAreNotEmpty() if len(symbols) == len(symbols2): nbSymbol = len(symbols) if (nbSymbol == 0): return True # if (symbols[len(symbols) - 1].getID() != symbols2[len(symbols2) - 1].getID()) : # return False # else : # return True for i in range(0, nbSymbol): if symbols[i].getID() != symbols2[i].getID(): return False return True else: return False
def __cmp__(self, other): if other is None: return -1 if self.isStrictlyEqual(other): return 0 elif (len(self.getSymbolsWhichAreNotEmpty()) > len(other.getSymbolsWhichAreNotEmpty())): return 1 else: return -1 def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): result = "MQ (" for symbol in self.getSymbols(): result = result + str(symbol) + ", " return result + ")"